Guide to Preventing Eye Wrinkles

If you are here to learn about preventing eye wrinkles then are going to find this article very useful and informative.

I am going to share with you the causes of wrinkles as well some overlooked ways you can use to prevent eye wrinkles.

The word wrinkle is enough to keep even the toughest people awake at night. You take one look at the word and it screams ‘old age'! It's a known fact that most of us would like to remain young forever but we know that it is impossible even though we don't believe it.

There are many signs of old age but the most noticeable is wrinkles. The first place where wrinkles usually start developing is around the eyes. The eyes are fragile and would naturally be first to show signs of old age.


It is very important to understand what causes wrinkles it is also important to understand why the eyes are usually the first to develop wrinkles. Scientific research has shown that wrinkles are usually caused by lack of collagen and oxidation through the action of free radicals.

Collagen is a protein naturally produced by the skin, this particular protein is responsible for elasticity in the skin, but as we grow old the production of collagen gradually decreases and this is what leads to wrinkles developing.

Free radicals are unstable molecules naturally produced in the body, when the body uses oxygen, these free radicals cause harm in the body and they also lead to development of wrinkles.

Preventing Eye Wrinkles

What u should be asking yourself now is, how can I get rid of eye-wrinkles?

An overlooked way preventing eye wrinkles is to simply eat foods that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants protect your skin from free radical damage. Since free radicals cause skin-aging, it means that antioxidants have the ability to prevent eye wrinkles.

However keep in mind that this is something that will happen in the long term. You have to make it a habit to include antioxidant rich foods like salmon, tuna, brocolli, spinach, berries, plum and many more in your diet.

For a much quicker way of preventing eye wrinkles you can use skincare products that contain antiaging skincare ingredients like Cynergy TK, Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10, Phytessence Wakame.

If you want to discover how these weird sounding ingredents can help keep you looking younger, visit my webiste below.

About the Author:
John Lexon is a dedicated researcher of important issues that affect skin and health. Visit his skincare website now at to discover the skin care products that he recommends you use to effectively prevent eye wrinkles